This pocket dictionary, containing over 15,000 headwords with over 20,000 definitions, will help build confidence and increase word power. English spelling does not always correspond to pronunciation and so a guide to the pronunciation of more difficult words is included where
Unlike other dictionaries that rely on a phonetic system, this dictionary has a syllable-based ‘spelling’ pronunciation guide. This system is based on research that shows that readers respond better to a guide that stays as close to the original spelling as is possible.
The guide is readable, has no phonetic symbols, and has no need for a key, as each word is spelled out as it sounds. The pronunciation system is based on the norms of English spelling and pronunciation.
Key features:
Over 15,000 headwords, and over 20,000
Easy-to-follow, syllable-based ‘spelling’ pronunciation for difficult words
Numbered senses within definitions
Contemporary, concise entries with simple vocabulary